Sunday, 19 May 2013

Pursuit of Happiness

Firstly- I must apologise for the delay in writing this post this week has been hectic and secondly, if you don't like motivational quotes and images I suggest you stop reading this post now- consider yourself warned.

I have been feeling a bit frustrated this week having had little measurable success on the scales and I started to get a smidgen of doubt in the back of my mind- why am I bothering? 

Although if I am truly honest my eating hasn't always been Weight Watchers perfect, I have certainly made and maintained some big changes exercise-wise so why wasn't I seeing that number on the scale drop? 

This would be the easiest point for me to give up- I had tried and it wasn't working. I was feeling a bit like a hamster running on a wheel...So I asked myself why would I continue?

Grumpy Cat: MEOW

Well, there was the other positive results I had noted over the past few weeks that were arguably just as important as weight loss:

1) I was definitely feeling fitter and stronger (I am not saying I can go out and run 10km but I have significantly increased the weights I am using in Pump for example)

2) I was sleeping much better.

3) I had more energy.

4) Friends had commented that I was looking happy and well.

5) Other than being disappointed with my insignificant weight loss- I was feeling more HAPPY overall

I recently read an article a friend had shared on Facebook which resounded with me on many levels- these are the types of mini-goals I would like to measure myself against. 
(As someone who has experienced depression first-hand I did note the absence of a mention of mental illness BUT on the whole I thought this was fabulous) 

So, in summary I am not giving up on my weight loss goals- that is why I am here after all. BUT I am going to allocate more headspace to the other ways of tangibly measuring my success on this journey such as; fitness, strength, energy, positivity and joy. 
What REALLY matters

I have realised that ultimately I am in the pursuit of happiness ~ all the other things are just little pieces of the whole puzzle. I guess the other moral of the story is ~ All good things take time...

Ka kite,
Chloe x

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