Friday, 31 May 2013

TGIF....but how on earth did we get here?!

I'm sorry we've had a quiet week. As my colleagues file out for the long weekend I am completely incredulous that it has been a week since I was sitting in Queenstown with the girls.

This week has been tough. I craved a win but instead got a chaotic blur of missed phone calls, being late for dear friends, chasing my tail at work and dismantling my life. Unfortunately for the first time since Chloe and I committed to this blog my exercise regime suffered.

At this juncture I would usually be chastising myself for only going on one run and to Pump on Wednesday morning but I genuinely haven’t had time to yet. Before my brain catches up and does so I am going to make amends and have a really active weekend. For anyone reading this and wanting something more interesting to follow on with I suggest you give this ago….

When I did it the synopsis read:

"You know that when things go wrong there's no point sitting and worrying about it. Only you can take charge and get things back on track. And the sooner you do, the more secure you’ll feel."

It is a little unnerving when a website sums you up so succinctly but I do look forward to feeling more secure.

I hope you all have a good weekend, I get to see Chloe so I have no doubt things are about to improve exponentially!

Love P

[Run, Pump, furniture dismantling/moving/stressing….um…, Packed my scales so no idea, sdoghgrf[wrugh;owugpW;TJBGR hahaha no my mental state isn’t that bad but the note section of my iPhone is becoming very full of ‘to do’ lists!]

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Supportive friends

Chloe I hope you feel better after a relaxing weekend! Remember health comes first, this is part of it, but stock up on vitamins & minerals etc for day to day survival.

Packing at 6am on Friday morning for a girls weekend away I threw my gear in knowing I ought to do something but little did I know I would have such wonderful company when I did.

The view from the gym didn't hurt either! Unfortunately the lunch at Amisfield & Central Otago Pinot Noir cancelled out any credit I had accumulated but upon returning to Auckland have had two gym dates instigated by other supportive friends already. I'm incredibly fortunate. 


M -Couch to 5km
T -Pump
T -Pump
F -Balance
S -Pump or RPM with CHLOE!!!
S -Walk out West...

As I mentioned last week, anyone wanting to join us on Saturday is more than welcome. 

Enjoy training!!1!

P x 

[Since last post, brief gym session, evening walk, lots of table/bar to head arm movement ;-p...! Don't want to know, tired after a fantastic weekend/hoping Chloe is feeling better]

Friday, 24 May 2013

Exercise at HOME

Hi friends

I am at home sick today with a horrible migraine YUCK.  However, being stuck at home and reading P's post on her at home exercise options has inspired the topic of my post today. 
I thought I would share a wee gem that I stumbled across online for those non-gym days... 

Basically, this is a 'one stop shop' for exercise videos, fitness and nutrition tips and community forums. The best part - it is 100% FREE OF CHARGE. 

You don't even need to walk out the front door
for these workouts...easy peasy

The website was created by an American couple who have worked in the fitness industry for many years, and decided that health and fitness needed to be made more accessible to the general populace. If you want to read more about the brains of the business and 'meet' the people you see in the exercise videos  check this page out

There are literally hundreds of different videos to choose from which include everything from cardio, to weights and resistance name it, they have it! You will never get sick of the same old, same old using Fitness Blender! In each video you simultaneously  watch the exercises being performed, whilst listening to verbal instructions which describe each exercise and the correct way to execute them. I like to do the videos with some music playing in the background on my computer - just make sure it isn't so loud you can't hear the instructions.

I can definitely relate to this...

I really love that they have included 'warm up' and 'cool down' sequences and also have whole videos dedicated to stretching which is often forgotten in the rush to get our workouts finished quickly. Another awesome part of the website is the search function which allows you to enter keywords, choose the area of the body you want to focus on, choose the amount of time you have to train, and choose what equipment you have at home to use. To have a go at searching for a video check this out FB: Handy Search function

BIG thanks to Bex B for the motivational images in today's post

If you think Fitness Blender is something you could be interested in using I suggest you sign up online, create a log in and then you can begin to compile a selection of your favourite videos for easier navigation next time you visit. Here are my top 10 videos;


I am still working on this one.

I hope you love fitness Blender as much as I did!

Chloe x

(No RPM but might do a FB workout after bragging about it for this whole post!, finally a bit lighter YAY, migraine :/ )

Thursday, 23 May 2013

This is not BodyBalance...

Instead, this is my desk. A place I am beyond sick of this week. My oppressive 'to do' list & other commitments have kept me from Les Mills all week. As flexible as running has been I was thoroughly looking forward to getting back there tonight, especially for Bodybalance. 

For those that haven't been to a Bodybalance class it is a yoga & Pilates fusion that actually brings a bead of sweat to my brow! My favourite part however is when you get to lie down and doze off to serene music at the end of the class.

My teacher, Mrs Drake in Standard 3 would have my entire class lie on the mat listening to similar music. Retrospectively I think she might have been the smartest teacher I ever had, what a good way to silence 26 children! 

I didn't appreciate how difficult it is to silence your mind back then but for those 5 minutes a week I enjoy trying now. 

So I'm left with two choices, 1. Try & mimic the same experience at home or 2. Accept that that would send me into fits of giggles & try & complete a yoga fusion workout of my own instead. I'm opting for 2 because after running crave a good stretch.

I'm going to follow the Basic Yoga Session on so that it is more balanced than what my memory alone would produce. 

Another element I really enjoy adding is my resistance band. 

I had a couple of sessions with a personal trainer in 2010 prior to travelling. The goal of which was to create a sequence of exercises with the resistance band that I could do anywhere in an attempt to avoid further weight gain. It worked, I used it in Central Park in NY, Hampstead Heath in London & on the beach in Corfu.

Since returning home I'd forgotten how versatile this tool is & by throwing in some squats, lunges & a wall sit I will have more than one bead of sweat on my brow. Perhaps missing class wasn't such a big deal.

Thank you Chloe & this blog for reminding me of my options.

For anyone else considering using the excuse they don't have enough time to exercise, may I remind you that Michelle Obama exercises everyday as does her husband & I've heard he is quite a big deal!

P x

[Home yoga & resistance workout, hopefully less, weary]

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Wicked Wenerei: Slippery Slope to the weekend...

Following my mammoth body shape post yesterday I thought I would just write a quick update on my exercise for the week. I hope you don’t find this super boring (If you do have a wee snooze zzz) - it is really for Rachael’s benefit and also so I can set myself some mini-goals ‘out loud’ i.e. write it on here and I have to do it…

I am really enjoying the LM classes and starting to see some improvements in my strength, flexibility and endurance (tiny improvements haha). Everyday I meet a new smiling person or recognise someone from last week’s classes- I find it is really comforting and encouraging to see familiar faces in the gym.

Monday- PUMP 4.45pm
First time doing new release combinations today- I definitely found it a lot harder. Very fast paced which keeps the heart rate sky high- It has got to be good for me right?!

Tuesday- SHBAM 7.00pm
Accompanied by the LOVELY Lily tonight- what a treat! I love that spending time exercising can also mean having a good catch up with an old friend!

Wednesday- BALANCE 7.15am
I got to try out my new Lululemon yoga mat today! Really enjoying having a stretch session mid week because my muscles are very tight

Thursday- PUMP 6.15am
LOVE this class with ‘The Breakfast Club’ Johanna, AT & JT- You got it, after class we hit a café for a scrummy breakfast!

Friday- RPM 5.30pm
Eek! I am super nervous to try this for the first time- I have been warned I am going to HATE it!

Saturday- SHBAM
Release day- Looking forward to seeing what all the fuss is about for Release day. Should be heaps of fun!

Sunday- REST
Might be convinced to go to Body Balance but other than that I plan on resting up for next week

I am really looking forward to heading up to Auckland next weekend to see my beautiful friend Anna in her musical and catch up with lots of special friends ESPECIALLY PIZEY!! Can’t wait to do a class with you at the Britomart LM and catch up on all your gossip babe! Bring on our smoothie date!

Chloe x

Going mobile!

Chloe we can blog from our phones! Just download Blogger & away you go!

To celebrate this new found ease I'm going to be cheesy and finish with a quote & a picture.

"You can feel sore tomorrow or you can feel sorry tomorrow. You choose."

Ha both felt quite appropriate! Happy training everyone.

P x

Running on Adrenalin

I’ve never enjoyed running. I fear I overthink it so it becomes more mentally taxing than physical. However, this week I have a new found appreciation for it. Being very short on time at present I missed Pump yesterday morning in favour of speaking to a recruiter.

So that I didn’t have to be somewhere at a specific time, or commute to exercise I opted for Day 3 of my Couch to 5K programme instead. This programme is the closest running schedule I have ever stuck to so for anyone else out there wanting an alternative to the gym, here is Week 1:

As for today, the goal is still to get to RPM but before then I need to reduce the rapidly growing 'to do' list in my head, so failing the gym I am going to opt for Day 4 and enjoy the view from Mt Hobson again.

Either way believing this is going to help me get there:

How are you going Chloe? Thanks for sharing your style acumen, I'm sure we can all take something from it.

P x

[Running 'Moving faster than a walk but I’m not sure it qualifies as a run' yesterday and perhaps today, 2.6% goal, preoccupied with transition]

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


(Disclaimer: All the advice given below is unashamedly only my opinion and based largely on harsh but honest critique given by my Mother)

Today I have decided to take a different tack and write about something a bit fun but also something I take very seriously... DRESSING FOR YOUR BODY SHAPE

Although I am very keen to lose the extra weight I am carrying at the moment, I find that dressing in a way that flatters my figure can make all the difference to the way I look and feel. We all want to be fashionable and take inspiration from what we see in magazines, in movies, and on the runway- the trick is picking what elements of the seasonal trends, cuts, and colours actually work on you and not just on that 6 foot tall model or size 0 celeb!! I believe that this applies to women of all shapes and sizes; petite, curvaceous, thin, tall, bottom-heavy. There is always some things that work and some that don’t. If you can make yourself look slimmer and more attractive without hitting the gym or cutting one carb why wouldn't you do it?! I also believe that focusing on flaunting your best features fosters body confidence which is an integral part of looking and more importantly feeling fabulous. 

I have listed a few common body shapes below but please note you may have elements of 2 or more types e.g. A top heavy hourglass.


Pear – The width of your torso is smaller than the width of your hips. Your aim is to balance the difference between the top and bottom part of your body.

Hourglass – You are well proportioned with a shapely bust and defined waist. Your aim is to look taller and slimmer.

Rectangle – You are well proportioned and relatively lean but lack curves. Your aim is to create more curves in your silhouette.

Apple – You are well proportioned but with a little bit of extra around the middle. Your aim is to create shape and disguise your midriff.

Inverted Triangle – The width of your shoulders and torso is wider than the width of your hips. Your aim is to soften your shoulders and bust line, and add volume to the lower part of your body.

Once you know which body type you are, you can begin to select clothes that bring more balance to your silhouette. This is not SEASONAL knowledge- you need to apply this every time you buy something new regardless of what shapes or styles are 'in vogue'. I thought I would get the ball rolling with the lovely hourglass...


 First things first- what defines an hourglass body shape? Traditionally an hourglass shape requires your hip and bust measurement to be the same (or very similar) and your waist measurement to be at least 22cm less than that measurement eg. 100cm bust- 78cm waist-100cm hip. You may have an hourglass shape as a size 6 or a size 16- the definition is based on the proportions.

Fabulous on YOU:    

·         Foundation first- you MUST have a well fitted bra to lift and separate your bust- this alone can make you look INCHES smaller in the waist!

·         V neck, scoop neck, boat necks, open shirt collars, V necked halters and cowl necks- these will all visually slim your wide chest and/or lengthen your neck

·         Boot cut or relaxed straight cut jeans - this will help to balance your wide hips

·         You CAN wear skinnies if you match them with an A line top or tunic OR if you wear them 7/8 style and show some ankle to lengthen your leg

·         Wrap and A line dresses- Every hourglass women’s best friend

·         Pencil skirts- Accentuate the waist to hip ratio

·         Sleeves- Fluted sleeves can instantly slim larger arms.

·         Waist cinching belts- draw attention to the smallest part of your body

·         Peplum skirts/dresses- accentuate your small waist

·         Mermaid shape dresses- add balance to your full hips
This v neck is slimming and the rouching down the
centre of the dress accentuates her small waist

Here the peplum accentuates her tiny waist

The mermaid skirt adds balance
 to Sophia's full hips

Frumpy on YOU:
·         High neck tops (especially turtle necks)- this is the best way to create a ‘uni-boob’

·         Low rise or ‘hipster’ jeans- this draws attention to the widest point of your hips

·         Cap sleeves- the devil for those who carry weight on top

·         Shoestring straps- Not only does this encourage you to forego the well-fitted and supportive bra, the thin straps can get lost on an expansive chest/shoulders.

·         Chunky knits and heavy fabrics which add weight to your frame

·         Bermuda length shorts- not friends with your wide hips

·         Low slung thick belts- Only accentuate the hips

·         Baby doll dresses that fall from the bust- Be warned this can make you look pregnant

·         Drop waist 1920s style shift dresses- whilst an A line shift can look fabulous if you are lucky enough to have slim legs, a true ‘flapper’ style with a loose top and more fitted band on the hips has the same effect as a low slung belt

·         Short ra-ra skirts- this adds unnecessary volume to your hips


Turtleneck= No neck and uniboob

Once again by covering her whole chest
Christina appears matronly 

An example of how a belt right under
the bust can make you look chunky

I hope this has been helpful for the hourglass babes out there! Other body shapes to follow so watch this space...

Chloe x

(Shbam, not weighing in this week, Tired zzzzz)

Monday, 20 May 2013

Change...the inevitable pest

This is how I have felt all day:

Unfortunately one doesn't get a choice in the matter so here goes....

My exercise over the weekend consisted of walks to starve off cabin fever and then interval training in the form of lugging my life into boxes and bags. Sitting on my bed last night, staring at the bare walls that now crave life and colour I felt deflated rather than successful. Not knowing when or where I’ll be unpacking my things was definitely to blame.  The irony however is our lives are continually changing. Deja vu rarely happens because we are programmed to expect this change. Knowing this, why are we not better prepared for it?

Last week I had someone older and wiser than me claim that the worst thing that has happened to our generation is credit cards. By providing accessible finance we live in debt rather than accumulating credit. So many of us operate at a deficit rather than squirrelling away a nest egg. There are arguments on both sides as to whether debt is ‘bad’ or not from an economic point of view but in relation to change I think she has a point. Financial security offers peace of mind, something change very quickly upsets. So many of life’s challenges/changes would be easier with the nest egg whether those challenges/changes are loss of income, illness, relationship changes, natural disasters….actually when I think of it there are very few changes it wouldn’t help.

This lead to me thinking about my lethargic metabolism which is still storing away for the non-existent ice age. For so long I have been living in an exercise deficit, thinking 'I’ll work it off tomorrow'. How similar does that sound to ‘I’ll pay it off next month’?!

If I exercised every day, those occasions where a colleague brings in a birthday shout, or you treat yourself to a gelato wouldn't the same compound effect. I know I have a long way to go before I am simply balancing the equilibrium but acknowledging the weight debt and subsequent solution must be the first step and Chloe I think we have!

On that note, my goals for this week are:

Monday               Day 1 of Run to 5km program. Walking is going to get the results I want.
Tuesday               6.10am Pump
Wednesday         6.30pm RPM
Thursday             6.20 Balance
Friday                  6.10am Pump
Saturday              Rest day in Queenstown!
Sunday                Walk down south or run when I get home

Now, I am continually amazed that any of you are reading this, if you’ve made it this far you may also be interested in the following link. It is the first TED talk I have ever listened to and although I believe people can change their circumstances at any age, as so many of us are still in our 20’s I think it is well worth investing the 11 minutes of your life to watch it now.

For those in Auckland, Chloe is coming up over Queens Birthday weekend so I thought I would gauge interest in getting a group together for a class? Perhaps Pump on the Saturday morning because we’re both enjoying it and then a healthy juice/smoothie at The Store before Chloe goes crazy in Lulu Lemon! Flick me a text if you are. Because at the end of the day we all need help from time to time!

P x

[Balance on Friday, walks and packing rest of the weekend, Day 1 of 'Couch to 5K' running program]

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Pursuit of Happiness

Firstly- I must apologise for the delay in writing this post this week has been hectic and secondly, if you don't like motivational quotes and images I suggest you stop reading this post now- consider yourself warned.

I have been feeling a bit frustrated this week having had little measurable success on the scales and I started to get a smidgen of doubt in the back of my mind- why am I bothering? 

Although if I am truly honest my eating hasn't always been Weight Watchers perfect, I have certainly made and maintained some big changes exercise-wise so why wasn't I seeing that number on the scale drop? 

This would be the easiest point for me to give up- I had tried and it wasn't working. I was feeling a bit like a hamster running on a wheel...So I asked myself why would I continue?

Grumpy Cat: MEOW

Well, there was the other positive results I had noted over the past few weeks that were arguably just as important as weight loss:

1) I was definitely feeling fitter and stronger (I am not saying I can go out and run 10km but I have significantly increased the weights I am using in Pump for example)

2) I was sleeping much better.

3) I had more energy.

4) Friends had commented that I was looking happy and well.

5) Other than being disappointed with my insignificant weight loss- I was feeling more HAPPY overall

I recently read an article a friend had shared on Facebook which resounded with me on many levels- these are the types of mini-goals I would like to measure myself against. 
(As someone who has experienced depression first-hand I did note the absence of a mention of mental illness BUT on the whole I thought this was fabulous) 

So, in summary I am not giving up on my weight loss goals- that is why I am here after all. BUT I am going to allocate more headspace to the other ways of tangibly measuring my success on this journey such as; fitness, strength, energy, positivity and joy. 
What REALLY matters

I have realised that ultimately I am in the pursuit of happiness ~ all the other things are just little pieces of the whole puzzle. I guess the other moral of the story is ~ All good things take time...

Ka kite,
Chloe x