Monday, 1 July 2013

Lock it in Eddie

Spontaneity is exciting in your relationships and liberating in your day to day life but in the exercise 'realm'  I am finding that planning is my best friend. Last week I scheduled my exercise on this blog and although there were some minor changes made, I largely stuck to the plan. Let's see if I can do the same this week...

MONDAY- Pump, Balance, Cx Worx (pm)

TUESDAY- Pump (am)

WEDNESDAY- RPM (pm) Super nervy about this one BUT I have my posse of ladies to keep me company!

THURSDAY- Pump, Cx Worx (am)

FRIDAY- Balance (am)

SATURDAY- Rest day and my beautiful nephew's 5th birthday party YAY

SUNDAY- Balance, Cx Worx

Do you have any good tips for sticking to an exercise routine or finding time for working out? If so please feel free to leave a comment!

Good luck with your exercise planning and more importantly making it a reality!

Chloe x

1 comment:

  1. Chloe!! U r going hard! Luv it! Keep it up! :) Bex
