Perhaps that is what happened to Chloe and I, to a degree, over the past month. Or, perhaps it was a reflection of how time disappears as we all face the challenges life constantly throws at us.
I'm currently sitting at VTNZ getting a new license because mine had expired. Where on earth did the last decade go? How am I old enough to refer to my life in decades?!
10 years ago I was 16. During that year I was fortunate enough to go to Fiji with my family and for the only time in my life wore a bikini. I was motivated, enthusiastic and excited about figuring out what was to follow high school. More bikini's, boyfriends and success were not only dreamt about but somewhat expected, my how those post tertiary/GFC/redundancy/real world expectations have changed.
Life is hard, sometimes devastatingly cruel and repetitive. There have unfortunately been numerous events in the past few months that have left me feeling helpless. How do you make sense of the unexpected, of trauma, of illness? Perhaps there is no sense in these things and chasing it is as futile as wishing we were born with different bodies. For those who have faced any of those things I send you my love, my unconstrained, unlimited love. At the end of the day it is the only balm we can give each other.
It is also the balm I keep reminding myself we should all give ourselves. Whether it be in the form of nutritious food, heart pumping exercise or it is peony season I am very partial to the latter!
So as we leave the dredges of winter behind I am recommitting to this blog and the basic principle behind it. I am going to make better decisions when it comes down to a 50/50 split and am thrilled to have my partner in crime along for the ride. Because the biggest element that has changed for me about expectations is the realisation that everything takes work and the more effort you put in the more likely bikini season will be and for everything out of our control there will always be alcohol! (Ha probably not consistent with the health focus of this blog but I refuse to lie to you all!)
My newsfeed this morning had the following messages (clearly 'liking' health focused pages has worked for me!) on it which I wanted to share with you all. Join us, wherever you are, in changing what you can control for the better.
Oh and be nice to each other, the butterfly effect is real. Wink at a stranger and I bet he will be nicer to everyone he interacts with afterwards and so forth...
P x
[No exercise today but I have been walking Mitch as much as possible ahead of Chloe & I's 1/2 marathon & have started swimming again which is bliss! Re weight, too scared to check. Mood, pleased to be back on the bandwagon]
Yus! you're back woop woop - I missed this! x
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing Piz. Get back on the bandwagon please!